Categories: Sports News
| Published On May 23, 2014 1:16 pm CEST  |  Updated on May 2, 2021 1:42 pm CEST | By Daniel Allermand

Hacking Attempt on CloudBet Users


The online Bitcoin bookmaker Cloudbet has sent out a press release stating that they had a hacking attempt on accounts associated with their website, starting May 20th. The attack started with 200 different ip addresses all located in Bangkok, Thailand, and continued with attempts from London, England.

The attack involved 50,000 attempts to gain access to users accounts, with only a handful being successful overall. Each attempt was done one-by-one and in total a little more than one Bitcoin was stolen from user accounts. Cloudbet however believes that the hackers had not gained access to their system, due to only 0.5% of the emails and passwords were associated with accounts in their system.

Instead they believe that another site has been hacked and that the hackers used these email and password combinations to try their luck with different Bitcoin gambling sites. While it will be difficult for Cloudbet to trace back the hacking attacks and retrieve the stolen funds, they will do whatever they can to do so.

All users has been informed about changing their passwords on the site, as well as on all other sites where they would be using their passwords, as well as enabling two step authentication for their accounts. Furthermore they have been in contact with other sites who have had similar attacks on their users accounts and they will investigate with the help of these sites to try and figure out who is behind the attacks.

Daniel Allermand

Daniel Allermand is a freelance writer, with more than 14 years of experience in the industry as an operator, affiliate and poker player. Daniel has decided it was time to try and bring more coverage about the industry to the general public by writing articles about everything from poker to casino.