Crypto News
| Published On Apr 26, 2022 9:28 am CEST  |  Updated on Jul 9, 2022 4:05 am CEST | By Peter Siu

In Five Years Web3 Will Dominate the Internet and Governments Run Their CBDCs – Raoul Pal


In a new interview with the BitBoy Crypto YouTube channel, former Goldman Sachs executive and macro guru Raoul Pal revealed his expectations of blockchain technology in the coming future. Pal, who is founder and CEO of Real Vision, said that within five years Web 3.0 will be dominating the internet while governments have launched their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

“People are writing off the Web2 platforms. Like Facebook Meta, it’s not going to happen. Just as with Twitter. Cut forward to five years, they’re going to have Web3 integration. All of them. Facebook, people have to understand, is a four-billion-person network.

Within five years, we’ll have also launched the central bank digital currencies, whether they’re private sector ones like Circle or whether they’re public ones.

Maybe the [European Central Bank] tries to go public. Either way, that’s now given everybody the on-ramp and off-ramp to go into the digital world. And that’s definitely coming.

The sovereign wealth funds. These are the big pools of capital from wealthy nations. That’s different to the central bank’s reserves. This is the wealth of nations. That is coming. I know because I’m speaking to them, and I know that they’re doing it.

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We also know that all of the investment banks are now building out all sorts of products in the space. The ability for people to trade options. So that’s all coming too.”

Pal stresses that an extended bear market is no barrier for innovation and new investment in the crypto space. It is a time when people focus on creation, he says, and predicts a wide range of new products and services being developed:

“We know there’s a whole raft of new investment management products. That’s happening.

But the big thing that just happened was $32 billion last year went into VC. You see it written on Twitter, is what you do in bear markets is build. This is when you start building businesses. I’m building two businesses in the space, and everybody’s doing stuff.

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What’s going to come out the other side of this is wallets, security in ways that you can’t.

You know, it’s so clunky right now. It’s terrifying moving money from your MetaMask to your Ledger and all of that stuff. The wallet issue is going to get solved. Integrations everywhere are going to get solved. That’s all coming.”

The rise of social tokens is inevitable, the guru says:

“I think the really big one, that I talk about all the time because I’m also involved in building a business involved in this, is social tokens. We’ve barely seen them yet. I talk about them and people go, ‘I don’t really know what you’re talking about.’

Bored Ape Yacht Club, [for example]. Yuga Labs, among their three projects, had an audience of about, call it 40,000 people. Those 40,000 people owned a bunch of OG [original] assets. Then they launched the APE token, worth $3 billion or $4 billion as of today.

Okay, where the hell did that come from? Four times the size of the original assets? It’s because everybody wants to be involved in that community, and this is your currency to be involved.”

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Lastly there will be a lot of interest from other areas of entertainment and culture to get involved with social tokens, for brand awareness and for communities to benefit from their favourite teams to perform well. This is something that Pal discussed in detail four months ago when he spoke with Anegelo Robles on his ‘Family Office’ channel.

“We haven’t started where this is going. Every sports team, every massive pop star, every film, movie franchise, fashion brands, it’s all going this way.

So the NFT [non-fungible tokens] craze we’ve got now, cut forward to three years’ time, and we’re all going to be talking, ‘Whose networks do we own a part of? Oh, my God, I’ve just discovered this pop star! They’ve just had a massive number one hit single. My token’s gone up 300x!’

That’s the world we’re going to go to.”

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Peter Siu

Peter is a former poker-pro, turned crypto enthusiast with 8+ years’ experience in operational roles dealing with all online gaming verticals within large iGaming companies, including Flutter and Entain. Now an expert in the field of Sports Betting, Casino, iGaming, and Poker, he is our team leader and editor. When not working, Peter can be found in the gym or playing sports like football, tennis and more recently padel.