Categories: Crypto News
| Published On Jul 11, 2019 11:49 pm CEST  |  Updated on May 2, 2021 2:10 pm CEST | By iGaming Team

John McAfee proposes help in building Cuba’s first digital currency


Cybersecurity expert John McAfee has offered to work with Cuba’s government to help them as crypto advisor. McAfee’s statement comes after Cuba’s government officials announced that they are planning to develop a cryptocurrency which can be used for avoiding economic sanctions imposed by the United States of America. McAfee agreed with the opinion and said that cryptocurrency project will not only be viable but simple as well. He offered guidance pro bono. “It will be trivial getting around US government’s embargo through the use of a clever system of digital currencies. I have written a formal letter offering them help for free on a private channel through Twitter,” he affirmed.

Venezuala put efforts for creating its own digital currency for trade and Cuba are eager to tread the same path. However, McAfee has blamed past failures on the false expectations.

“You cannot set unrealistic expectations. You just cannot create a coin and expect it to fly. It takes time and we cannot expect it to fly right from the start.”

He advised that the key to the success of Cuban government would be their ability to adapt if they they successfully develop a cryptocurrency. “You must have the base on proper blockchain technology and it should be structured in a way that meets the specific needs of a country or economic conditions.”

He has his own ideals of freedom and the time that he has spent in Havana has taught him a lot. That might be the inspiration behind his interest in helping the Cuban government for developing the cryptocurrency. “There are less than 10 people in the world who know the ways of creating a digital currency and I am certainly one of them.”

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