Gaming News
| Published On Apr 26, 2024 10:13 am CEST | By Jenny Patel

Kratos Gaming Network Launches Educational Campaign for Indian Gamers


Kratos Gaming Network (KGeN), formerly known as IndiGG, is embarking on a transformative journey to educate and empower Indian students and young gamers. The six-month educational campaign spans across tier 1, 2, and 3 cities, including Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, and Kolkata, with the aim of shedding light on the potential of blockchain gaming.

Elevating Understanding and Opportunities

The primary objective of the campaign is to demystify blockchain gaming and showcase its multifaceted benefits. KGeN seeks to redefine gaming as more than just entertainment but also as a pathway to career growth, personal development, and alternative income streams. Through a series of student meetups, college competitions, and roundtable discussions with educators and psychologists, the initiative endeavors to cultivate a deeper appreciation for gaming’s future and blockchain technology, dispelling common misconceptions along the way.

Central to KGeN’s vision is the promotion of data ownership among gamers. The Proof of Gamer (PoG) engine, a pivotal component of this initiative, empowers users to create, own, and monetize their gaming data. By granting gamers control over their data, KGeN not only empowers individuals but also provides valuable insights to game publishers seeking to engage with specific gamer demographics.

Ishank Gupta, a member of Kratos Gaming Network’s Elder Member Council, envisions this campaign as a catalyst for industry transformation. He asserts, “Data ownership for gamers will be a game changer for the industry.” This national endeavor is poised to enlighten gamers about new horizons and opportunities, transcending the confines of traditional gaming and embracing the potential of data ownership.

Jenny Patel

Jenny Patel, a dedicated freelance writer, has been consumed by her love for gaming since her childhood days. Her go-to games growing up were Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC and Halo 3 on XBOX. Jenny now enjoys the flexibility of working remotely, allowing her to explore the world while indulging in her gaming passion.

Tags: India