Categories: Crypto News
| Published On Dec 25, 2013 7:00 am CET  |  Updated on Aug 3, 2021 5:25 pm CEST | By Daniel Allermand

Christmas Hackings Costing Millions of DogeCoins


The Christmas time is supposed to be about having a good time with family and friends and appreciate each other. While some people were doing that, others were hacking innocent peoples DogeCoin wallet, stealing coins worth over $12,000 the founder of DogeCoin confirmed today.

The attack seemed to have not been on individual DogeCoin wallets, but instead on the main DogeCoin site, where the hackers redirected all transactions to go to their own wallet rather than to the wallets it was intended to go to. The DogeCoin Reddit account explained briefly: “The attack originated from the hacker gaining access to our filesystem and modifying the send/receive page to send to a static address,” and  “we’re currently reviewing logs for information. The site is shut down right now.”.

The DogeCoin has experienced giant growth in its short life time and this is probably the reason why it became a target for hackers, looking to score some easy money.

Daniel Allermand

Daniel Allermand is a freelance writer, with more than 14 years of experience in the industry as an operator, affiliate and poker player. Daniel has decided it was time to try and bring more coverage about the industry to the general public by writing articles about everything from poker to casino.  

Tags: Dogecoin